vzcfgscale − scale a CT configuration file.
vzcfgscale [options] configfile
This utility is used to scale a Container configuration. It multiplies Container resource control parameters by the number passed as an argument.
-o, --output-file outfile
Output the scaled configuration into the outfile. By default, the utility prints its output to the screen. Note that the file specified cannot be the same as input file configfile, otherwise you will lose the configuration file content.
-a, --all coeff
Multiply all Container parameters by the coefficient specified.
-c, --cpu-only coeff
Multiply the CPU parameters by the coefficient specified.
-d, --disk-only coeff
Multiply the disk quota parameters by the coefficient specified.
-u, --ubc-only coeff
Multiply the UBC parameters by the coefficient specified.
-n, --network-only coeff
Multiply the network bandwidth parameters by the coefficient specified.
-r, --remove
Skip the CT-specific parameters like VE_ROOT, VE_PRIVATE, etc. This option is used for producing configuration samples to be employed as an argument for the --config option of the vzctl create command.
After the CT configuration file has been scaled it is recommended to check the CT configuration validity with the vzcfgvalidate(8) utility.
Normally, the exit status is 0. On error, the exit status is 1.
ve.conf(5), vzcfgvalidate(8).
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