


vz − global OpenVZ configuration file




This is the global configuration file for OpenVZ. It consists of lines in the form


All parameter names and values are case-sensitive. Quotes surrounding value are required if value contains spaces, and are optional otherwise. Extra spaces are not allowed. All unrecognized lines will be ignored.

Global parameters

This parameter is used by /etc/init.d/vz script. In case it is not set to yes, nothing will be done to boot up OpenVZ on this node.


Set the directory to write action log files to. Action log files are needed for vzctl/vzcoll interaction, so vzcoll will know what actions are done on CTs.


Set the directory to put lock files to. This parameter is used by both vzctl(8) and hwcoll(8).


Remove private area on migrating yes|no This option is not supported for ploop-based CT.


Value of this parameter sets cpuunits for host server.

VZPRIVRANGE="number1 number2"

Sets the range of CTs allowed to access /proc/vz/hwid file.


Environment variables to be set for CT init.


Proxy server configuration.


Enable use of hardware checksumming on venet interfaces. In case all the hardware network interfaces in the system support scatter-gather and hw checksumming features it is recommended to set USE_NET_HWCSUM to yes. If USE_NET_HWCSUM is absent or has a value different from yes|no then it is autoconfigured (minimal common subset of capabilities among physical adapters on node).


Enable use of hardware tcp segmentation offload on venet interfaces. If USE_NET_TSO is absent or has a value different from yes|no then it is autoconfigured (minimal common subset of capabilities among physical adapters on node).


Enables or disables use of Receive packet steering on venet and veth interfaces. RPS is enabled by default.


Enable the assignment of network masks to Containers operating in the venet0 mode (no by default).


Enable the use of Golden Images for creating Containers (yes by default). A Golden Image is an extended template cache that includes an OS template and one or more application templates.


Sets a global Container suspend timeout, from 10 seconds to 1 hour (10 seconds if not specified)


Sets a number of Containers to start simultaneously on node boot. If not specified, the number is calculated based on node’s CPU power. This parameter is used by the /etc/init.d/vz script.


Specifies an action to be performed on Containers on node shutdown or reboot. This parameter is used by the /etc/init.d/vz script.
suspend - Suspend Containers on shutdown (default),
stop - Stop Containers.

Validation parameters

Validation of CT parameters on start. Possible values are:
none - do not validate,
warning - display warning and continue,
error - exit with error,
fix - fix invalid parameters and continue.

Overcommitment parameters

Check host server overcommitment on CT start. Possible values:
none - do not check,
warning - display warning and continue,
error - exit with error.


The part of memory residing at lower addresses and directly accessed by the kernel.


Amount of memory available for applications as a sum of RAM and swap space.


Allocation memory commitment level is the ratio of the memory size guaranteed to be available for allocation to the capacity of the system.


The number shows how much memory applications are allowed to be allocated in comparison with the capacity of the system.


Allocation memory utilization level is the ratio of the amount allocated memory to the capacity of the system.

Logging parameters

Enables or disables logging. This parameter can be set to yes or no, default is yes.


Sets location of log file, default is /var/log/vzctl.log.


Set the logging level. The more the number is, the more information will be written to a log file. Default value is 0. Some useful values are:
0 - actions/errors of vzctl on start, stop, mount, umount, create, destroy,
1 - logging helper comands vzctl running in /etc/sysconfig/vz-scripts,
2 - logging create action events, pool, version used on create action,
3 - logging vzctl command line.

Disk quota parameters

In case the value of this parameter is set to no, all disk quota operations are disabled.


This parameter is used by /etc/init.d/vz start script. In case the value of this parameter is set to yes, CT with incorrectly shutdown quota state started without quota check and after all CTs started marked CTs restarted.

Network interface parameters

This parameter specifies the network device name which IP address will be used as the source IP. This is helpful in case more than one network interface is configured on HN and there is a need to specify the source IP address. Default is the first device in the network device list.

Network traffic parameters

Traffic shaping allows limiting bandwidth consumed by Containers. If it is set to yes then limitations will be turned on. Default is no.

BANDWIDTH="dev:Kbit [dev:Kbit ...]"

Bandwidth of network interfaces. Values for these options must be in the form network interface name:bandwidth. It is possible to have several such pairs, space separated.


Specifies bound rate for network devices.


Specifies guaranteed rate for network devices.


Specifies Minimum Packet Unit for traffic shaping. If packet size is lower then MPU bytes, it will consume MPU HTB tokens. This is to limit packet rate (packet rate = TOTALRATE / RATEMPU). If MPU value (bytes) is omitted then VZ_TC_DEFAULT_MPU (1000) is used. If dev:class is not in RATEMPU then packet rate is not limited for them.

Disk IO limit parameters

Enables disk IO limits for backup, restore, and migration operations. Make sure that no Container with the specified ID exists on the Node.


Sets the disk IO limit for backup, restore, and migration operations, in bytes per second.


Sets the memory limit for backup, restore, and migration operations, in bytes.

Parallels File Caching parameters

Enables disk IO limits for the Parallels File Cache. Make sure that no Container with the specified ID exists on the Node.

PFCACHE_INCLUDES="directory [directory ...]"

Specify the directories inside Containers to enable the Parallels File Caching feature for.


Specify the path to the Parallels File Caching directory that will store Container common files.


Specify the path to the Parallels File Caching ploop image.

Template parameters

Value of this parameter is the directory in which all the files and directories shared between all CTs are stored.

Defaults for CT
Below parameters are defaults for CT, and gets overwritten by parameters in ve.conf(5) CT configuration file.

Value of this parameter is the directory which serves as CT root mount point. Value must contain literal string $VEID, which will be substituted with actual numeric CT ID.


Value of this parameter is the directory in which all the files and directories specific to that CT are stored. Value must contain literal string $VEID, which will be substituted with actual numeric CT ID.


Specifies default configuration file for create action, corresponds to --config option of vzctl create.

Any other parameter that appears in per-CT configuration file ve.conf(5) can be also set here. Still, it is recommended to keep TEMPLATE, VE_PRIVATE and VE_ROOT in this configuration files, and all the other CT-related parameters in per-CT configuration files.


vzctl(8), vzpkg(8), ve.conf(5).


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