pstorage-configure-cs − Change parameters of an existing CS repository
pstorage [−c CLUSTER_NAME] configure−cs −r,−−repo−dir PATH [ −s,−−journal−size DSIZE[:MSIZE] | −u,−−unlink−journal | −d,−−destroy−journal | −a,−−add−journal JOURNAL_DIR ] | −L,−−set−address ADDRESS
pstorage−configure−cs(1) change the size of chunk server’s journal. Typical usage for this command is resize journal for an existing chunk servers when new chunk server was added. Note that target CS will be restarted after journal resize.
−c, −−cluster=CLUSTER_NAME
The name of the cluster to connect to. A valid cluster associated with the name is discovered using DNS or zeroconf (multicast). If the −c option is omitted, the PSTORAGE_NAME environment variable is used.
−r, −−repo−dir=PATH
Path to the CS repository to change.
−s, −−journal−size=DSIZE[:MSIZE]
Set size of for CS’s journal. DSIZE − size of data stored in journal in megabytes, will be rounded up to a multiple of 64 Mb. MSIZE − maximum size of metadata stored in journal in megabytes (optional). Both field support suffixes G for gigabytes and T for terabytes. Also see pstorage−ssd(7) for the journal discussion.
CS will not use journal (physically journal files are not destroyed).
Destroy existing CS’s journal.
Create new journal in directory JOURNAL_DIR and add it to CS.
Set address to listen on.
Failure (syntax or usage error; configuration error; cluster failure; unexpected error).
Copyright © 2011−2013, Parallels, Inc. All rights reserved.
pstorage(1), csd(1), pstorage−make−cs(1) pstorage−ssd(7) pstorage−overview(7)